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Hair Journal - These are Reasons Your Natural Hair Isn't Growing


There are several myths about Black hair, but the most common one is that we are unable to grow long hair. This is completely false. In actuality, if you have hair on your head, there's bound to be growth, irrespective of its pace. While some people's hair grow more quickly than others (some notice a half inch of growth each month while others see a little less) and genetics undoubtedly play a role.

We gain roughly six inches of new hair on average each year, or half an inch every month, according to the normal hair growth. The reason your hair may seem like it’s not growing is because the hair is so fragile that, if not properly taken care of, it may break at almost the same rate that it grows, if not more. If you’ve got curly, kinky afro hair, it can feel as though your hair is not growing. Kinky hair doesn’t show it’s length unless it’s stretched or straightened. Here are some reasons why your hair growth seems to be stagnant;

Split Ends


One of the main causes of lack of growth are split ends, or if we’re being technical, trichoptilosis, which occurs when the hair is dry and weak, causing the fibres to break down. This can be caused by a wide range of things including stress, colouring, cold dry weather, heat styling and more. If split ends are left, they can cause the hair to stop growing, as the breakage will travel further up the hair shaft, making it more difficult to obtain length.

Improper Haircare


If you do not invest time and care in your hair, then this will result in a lack of length. For instance, if you straighten or colour your hair a lot, this will cause significant damage, especially if you do not have a regular hair care routine that will strengthen and moisturise your hair. To promote growth, you should work on a hair care routine that works for you. For example, you should invest in a good-quality shampoo which contains no sulfates or parabens.



If you are going through a stressful time, this could prevent your hair from growing at its usual rate, as stress can trigger a disruption to the hair growth cycle. it can be hard to combat stress, however if you are experiencing hair growth issues as a result of stress, you should try to take time to focus on yourself. This could involve a self care day.



Our hair strands grow in cycles. Each strand individually goes through the Anagen phase, which is the growing period of a hair follicle; this is followed by an intermediate phase called the Catagen phase, characterized by slower growth; and finally, the Telogen phase, which is the resting and shedding period. Each person’s growth phase differs, and is largely determined by genetics. It typically lasts between two and six years.



Not eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated could slow down hair growth. Hair follicles need to be nourished to help them function at their optimum. “Your hair is comprised of the second fastest growing cell in your body and you have around 120,000 hairs growing on your scalp at any given time, all of these hairs need support.

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