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Baecation? Things you can do with your significant other on a trip.

What can be more romantic than traveling to a special destination with the one you love, and doing all the fun things you both can lay your hands and sight on? Absolutely nothing!

If you don't make much findings about your destination and the fun activities that can be done there, your fun time can be limited. Nevertheless, don't overthink things because this is your trip with your significant other, and as long as you aren't ruining anyone else's good time, then there's no reason to be bothered.

Thinking of fun activities that will help you bond, let's jump right in.

Watch the sunset and sunrise together in one day

This is natural and you both will love it, this act can even spice up a deep conversation and you might get to hear something you never knew about your partner ; probably a story or an event that happened long ago. It will also help you both to appreciate nature on another level.

Create a Music Playlist of your relationship

Do you both enjoy listening to music? Then here is a perfect one to get you in the mood and trap you down in your emotions. Compile a list of love songs you love. Is there a band that brings back wonderful memories? You can make it a ritual to listen to the tunes every morning to launch your day.

Make love in an exciting location

I am sure you know what I mean by this, there is no rule to where to get intimate and where not to, but obviously in closed and private areas. Be adventurous about it. Try new things and get naughty together.

Dance in the shower

Hmmmmm......Do you know dancing and bathing in the shower will help stimulate things. Stay in the shower and utter sweet nothings to each other while steadily moving to the rhythm of the music.

Play games

There is a lot of fun and educative games you can play to help know each other better

and to create amazing memories.

Window shopping

Normally we don't associate vacations with shopping unless there is a famous

market at the vacation destination, but shopping is much more than just buying things. It is about exploring the destination with your partner, you don't have to buy anything really, but maybe you can even surprise them with something they were hesitating to buy. Even the smallest of jewelry or article you buy for your partner during a vacation can greatly sway the flow of the vacation into being more romantic.

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