Rachael Aiyke

Apr 19, 20232 min

What you should know about the Netflix Documentary, Queen Cleopatra: Watch or Not?


On April 12, Netflix released the trailer of Queen Cleopatra, produced by Jada Pinkett Smith, an American actress and talk-show host.

The Netflix documentary, which follows the lengend of the Egyptian Queen is set to be available for streaming come May 13, 2023.


According to executive producer Jada Pinkett Smith, these series of documentaries are meant to show the iconic lives of African Queens and portray the strength of their characters. The first season will talk about Queen Cleopatra, Egypt's last queen, who reigned from 51 BC until she died in 30 BC.

She was well-known for her brains, beauty, and political and diplomatic abilities, and also for her love relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, both strong Roman leaders.


Source: Instagram, NWE

This documentary, which is set to be released on May 13 has received a lot of backlash from people all over the world. This backlash is centred on the race of Queen Cleopatra in the movie. People argue that she wasn’t black but white. She is an Egyptian, whether it makes her black or white is the question many people are asking. Still, this movie is bound to blow the minds of many people and this article reveals three of the reasons why Queen Cleopatra is a must-watch.


1. Her character has been previously maligned


"In history books, Cleopatra is portrayed as promiscuous, corrupt and vain, but this new movie shows us how much strength, intellect and resilience Queen Cleopatra embodies," Jada Pinkett Smith says.


Queen Cleopatra shows us the story of a queen who fought for her kingdom with a passion that is unrivalled by the Kings of her time. This movie shows us that side of her.


2. This movie reassesses the most fascinating part of her story


From the character development to the storyline, Queen Cleopatra takes us on the journey of understanding the life of the last Queen of the Macedonian dynasty.


Queen Cleopatra tells the story of a Queen who would die for her Kingdom. A queen who uses the influence of the men in her life to protect herself and her kingdom. More than that, Queen Cleopatra shows us what strength and resilience mean, and how they can be applied in today's world.


3. Queen Cleopatra teaches us history


What is more important in this century than a documentary that teaches us history? Queen Cleopatra teaches us the history of a queen who was misunderstood and whose character was maligned. It also shows us what it means to be a ruler in the 16th century. It is a docu-series that is centred on the life of the last Queen of Egypt, and it is bound to be one of the most-watched documentaries.


Would you be watching or not? Well, fingers crossed as we wait for May 10 to watch this beautiful series on the life of Queen Cleopatra.
