Folashade Shalom Asaolu

Dec 12, 20223 min

Maintaining Healthy Sleep Habits is the Greatest Wellness Hack

Photo Credit: Billionaire Boys' Club Via Pinterest

It is still largely not discussed how vital sleeping well is, not just to physical health but to mental health as well. Today, however, no thanks to technology, social media, and movie streaming platforms coupled with work, people hardly make time to get enough sleep. To live a well-rounded life, sleeping well is very important. When we sleep, our bodies and minds get the chance to rest and revitalize, when we do not sleep well, we deny our bodies and minds that chance and it can in turn have negative consequences on our general wellness.


Bad sleeping habits may turn into sleep problems.



Not sleeping well in one night could result in a bad day. You could be groggy all day, grogginess creates a mind fog and will prevent you from being productive. A week of not sleeping well can ruin the entire month, and weeks of not sleeping well become bad sleeping habits that may lead to sleep problems such as insomnia. Sleep problems could lead to bigger and more severe health issues, certain diseases like heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, and eye diseases have been linked to sleep problems.


Ways to build healthy sleeping habits.


It may be hard to build healthy sleeping habits at first, especially when you're used to bad sleeping habits, but with consistent practice, you can replace your bad sleeping habits with very healthy habits.


1. Make your sleeping environment clean and comfortable. Health practitioners advise that we ensure that where we sleep is clean, comfortable, and quiet. It is easier to fall asleep when the lights from the light bulb and TV are turned off.  If you must keep some kind of lights on, there are varieties of night lights that are soft and sleep-friendly. You want to ensure that you have clean sheets and that the mattress used for sleeping is the best fit for you. It's also important to keep your sleep environment noise-free.


2. Keep gadgets away. The lights emitting from phones and computers that you only put away a minute before you try to fall asleep may be why you have a problem falling asleep easily. Keep gadgets away for an hour before bedtime. That way, falling asleep is easier and your mind is not heavy with whatever you have just watched or read when it's time to sleep.


3. Meditate before going to bed. Meditation helps clear our minds and lessen anxiety. Consider meditating before your bedtime to give your mind a cleanse. It not only helps you fall asleep faster, but it also reduces the chances of having a turbulent or restless sleep.


4. Wear comfortable clothing. Wearing comfortable clothing in bed makes sleeping very comfortable and relaxing. When you want to sleep is not the time to wear very heavy or tight clothing. You also want to consider the weather and dress accordingly.


5. Have a bedtime ritual. Having a bedtime ritual helps prepare your mind for sleeping time. Meditating, taking a warm or cold shower in very hot weather, and following through with your skincare routine are good bedtime rituals. Bedtime rituals send signals to your brain that it's time to sleep.


6. Have a consistent sleeping time. Being inconsistent with the time you sleep is unhealthy sleeping practice. It's important to maintain a consistent sleeping time frame.


Healthy sleeping habits improve the quality of your day, week, and life.  
